Interface Repository

Interface CtsSecurity::RoleService

This specifies an interface for performing role based access control. User can write an implementation of this interface and configure a server level role service by setting the server property: to the URL by which to access the component that implements this interface.

There are 2 accepted forms for the URL.

  1. The URL can be set to the JaguarPackage/JaguarComponent if the component is a Java CORBA, C++ CORBA, Stateless COM, or PowerBuilder NVO. The component must be installed in the server.

    For example, to set the role check service, set the server level property to assuming, Security is the name of the Jaguar package that containing a Jaguar component called RoleService that implements this interface.

  2. In addition, Java CORBA and C++ CORBA components may be accessed using the pseudo component object URL. The syntax for a Java pseudo component is: pseudo://java/JavaClass/JaguarPackage/JaguarComponent. The syntax for a C++ pseudo component is: pseudo://cpp/SharedLibraryName/JaguarPackage/JaguarComponent. The authorization service property can also be set to the pseudo component object URL. For example, the server level authorization service can be set to pseudo://cpp/libAuthorize/Security/RoleService where, libAuthorize is the name of the shared library that contains the C++ Security/RoleService component's implementation.

    Components implemented for pseudo component access, must be thread safe. Pseudo components cannot be refreshed. Hence, a server refresh, or refresh of the component using the Jaguar Manager, will not have any effect on the refresh of the role service. You must restart the Jaguar Server if there is a need to refresh the role service component. For more information on Jaguar Pseudo components, please refer to your Jaguar documentation.

  3. For performance, the role service component may be implemented as a pseudo C++ CORBA component.

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